Sunday, September 16, 2018

It's been a little while

Well, hello all

      It has been a little while, hasn't it? I suppose we as people occasionally get the urge to start something and then we drift away, sometimes slow, sometimes very rapidly. Real life has a habit of tearing us away from our desires, and in most cases, we let it. My last post detailed being happy, a journey to the road of happiness, matter o' fact. I still want to find that happiness, I am still looking for the activity that I can stick with and feel good about.

It's not too easy, is it? It isn't easy to admit that you don't have a goal in life, or something you strive to be. It's hard to say to someone that you don't know where you are at.

I, my friends, do not know where I am at.

I, as do many of you, work a mundane job every day, I come home, clean, shower, sleep, and rinse and repeat. I feel as though I'm stuck in an endless loop of a mind numbing, boring day, and that is upsetting. I, as do many of you, want this to change, and I will change this. Perhaps I'll continue with this job, perhaps I'll continue living the same day, in fact, but I will change my attitude. 

You see, this is only a temporary situation. At some point, you, myself, and anyone else who puts in the effort will be able to live a happy and fulfilling lifestyle, you just have to find what drives you, and what makes you happy. 

Hopefully this isn't my last post here, 

goodluck, and much love,


Spread your wings and fly

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Start of a New Journey

     On this day of May sixteenth, 2017, I have decided to begin a new journey, or project, if you will. For years I've shifted back and forth between what I wish to do and who I want to be, and it's been a hard fight for me. I've been in Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Football, Basketball. I've sat down and attempted to write novels, I've drawn, I've ran, I've tried, and tried, and tried. I never could seem to find the art that fits like a glove for me. 

      Though I may be good at these things, and I may like to do these activities, I've never been able to stick with them. I do not believe that it's because they're not for me, I believe it's me. For my entire life I've never thought that I was good enough to do, well, anything really, but that's going to change starting today. I'm beginning my new diet and exercise, to regain what I once had. Today, I'm beginning my new blog, my journal, to reclaim my love of writing. Today, I will learn to love myself, slowly, but surely. 

      To those who have fought this battle, know that I stand beside you. To those who haven't fought but want to, please, stand beside me now and fight with me. To those who are scared, I understand, I am too, but you deserve better. 

      We all deserve to love ourselves and I for one am starting. Now.

"Self-love requires courage. Have the strength to be who you are in a world that tries desperately to make you different. Never compromise to be who you are not."
             Please remember that this blog isn't about weight-lifting, or cardio, or looking better. This blog isn't about losing weight, or gaining muscle. This blog is about being happy. Fighting for yourself doesn't mean running, it might, to some, but fighting for yourself means finding what makes you happy. Finding success in the little details that makes your soul sing. The things that put a smile on your faces. 

                  Spread Your Wings And Fly